Chemical World
This strand involves the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. As students study this strand they will develop understandings of the composition and properties of matter, the changes it undergoes, and the energy involved. They learn to interpret their observations by considering the properties and behaviour of atoms, molecules, and ions. They learn to communicate their understandings using representations, and the symbols and conventions of chemistry. Our way of life depends on a wide range of materials produced from natural resources. In this strand students will learn about assessing the resources used to produce a material over its lifecycle (extraction, use, disposal and recycling). Using this, they are better able to understand science- related challenges, such as environmental sustainability and the development of new materials, and sources of energy.
This strand involves the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. As students study this strand they will develop understandings of the composition and properties of matter, the changes it undergoes, and the energy involved. They learn to interpret their observations by considering the properties and behaviour of atoms, molecules, and ions. They learn to communicate their understandings using representations, and the symbols and conventions of chemistry. Our way of life depends on a wide range of materials produced from natural resources. In this strand students will learn about assessing the resources used to produce a material over its lifecycle (extraction, use, disposal and recycling). Using this, they are better able to understand science- related challenges, such as environmental sustainability and the development of new materials, and sources of energy.