Solar System
The solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy. It is one of billions of galaxies that make up the universe. The solar system consists of the Sun and everything that orbits it. It includes the eight planets, their moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, stars and meteors. Even with all of these objects, most of the solar system is empty space.
The largest object and the star at the centre of the solar system is the sun.
Planets are the second largest objects. Mercury is closest to the sun followed by Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Planets vary in their makeup, size and temperature. Most have at least one moon, Jupiter has 63 moons
Pluto used to be called the 9th planet but it is now classified as a dwarf planet instead.
The solar system also contains metal and rock that make up objects known as asteroids.They are believed to be debris left over from collisions between other bodies in the solar system. The largest asteroids are hundreds of miles in diameter. Small asteroids regularly fall to Earth or burn up in the sky as glowing meteors (shooting stars).
Comets are small chunks of dirt and ice. Most are too small to ever be seen from Earth.
The largest object and the star at the centre of the solar system is the sun.
Planets are the second largest objects. Mercury is closest to the sun followed by Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Planets vary in their makeup, size and temperature. Most have at least one moon, Jupiter has 63 moons
Pluto used to be called the 9th planet but it is now classified as a dwarf planet instead.
The solar system also contains metal and rock that make up objects known as asteroids.They are believed to be debris left over from collisions between other bodies in the solar system. The largest asteroids are hundreds of miles in diameter. Small asteroids regularly fall to Earth or burn up in the sky as glowing meteors (shooting stars).
Comets are small chunks of dirt and ice. Most are too small to ever be seen from Earth.
DIY Solar System Models
Student Video By: Caoilfhionn Roche